The Power of Storytelling: How Experiences Can be Used to Fight Racial Injustice and Pave the Way for Action


Books, television shows and movies all captivate us with compelling, emotional, and enjoyable stories. Often we forget our own experiences serve as stories themselves. Sharing our experiences is as simple as telling our friends or writing a blog post about a recent occurrence.

Stories are more than just for entertainment; they can stir uncomfortable conversations and present the foundation for societal changes. When individuals take a stance and share their experience, what can follow is the unmasking of the discrimination and inequalities plagued within a society.

The Importance of Sharing your Experience

Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) endure microaggressions and systemic racism in their everyday lives. While these instances are significant, many individuals are uncomfortable speaking out about these experiences. Whether it’s due to unwanted attention or fear, in the long run, this inhibits social progression or changes.

Sharing your experiences can spark positive changes on an individual and societal level in two ways:

1. Stories heal both the teller and listener

When you share your story with others, a connection inevitably forms between you and your listeners. Storytelling opens a vulnerable space for trust and empathy to develop. The story resonates even further when listeners can relate to your experience. That’s why all of us become attached to particular songs or movies that we can relate to. As social creatures, these connections are essential to us.

For example, someone may write a blog post on a racial incident when they were told that wearing their natural hair at work was unprofessional. When others who have undergone the same experience stumble across this blog post, the healing comes from knowing they’re not alone. Connecting with others on similar experiences creates a feeling of community and a supportive environment.

As such storytelling provides a healing experience for both the teller and the listener. In return, this can provide the catalyst for real change to occur.

Storytelling also exposes people to different perspectives, life experiences and provides others with an opportunity to understand them. 

2. Storytelling stirs conversations which lead to action

Speaking out empowers others to speak out as well. No matter how uncomfortable the conversation is, whether it has to do with systemic racism or discrimination, these conversations open space for an elaborate discussion. It brings together a community of people who feel wronged from the same experience. We can also learn something new; that possibly certain instances of discrimination are a regular occurrence within society. As such, we begin to form different insights and views about our experiences.

Evoking societal and systemic changes can only be done as a collective group. For instance, within a company, a racialized employee may be denied a promotion despite having more qualifications than their white co-worker. From sharing their experience with other co-workers, people begin to notice that’s the case for many people of colour within the company. These individuals can work together to file a lawsuit, present a case to HR, etc.

As a collective group fighting for the same cause, unprecedented changes can happen within a society, a company, governments and more. This all begins with simply sharing your story.

The Result

You may assume speaking out on your experiences won’t prompt many changes, but consider this. It took a few women sharing their stories to launch an entire MeToo movement across the globe. It took a few Black individuals speaking out on their experiences with racism that spurred a historic Civil Rights movement. Laws and lives completely changed due to someone sharing their story with others.

Your experiences are never secluded. Chances are hundreds, and even millions have a similar experience as yours. As such if we are to fight against inequality and systemic racism, the telling of our stories presents the pillar for real change to occur.


The blog is curated by Colleen James, Principal and Founder of Divonify Incorporated. Colleen’s work is centered around the dismantling of oppressive systems by working with organizational leaders to address issues of systemic racism, equity, diversity and inclusion. If you enjoyed this blog, please share with others you feel would gain value from it.

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